What Automotive Logos Should Look Like?

A lot is expected from automotive logos nowadays. They have to increase monthly sales, improve quarterly revenues and bolster consumer confidence. With so many expectations, it is an absolute must that the vehicle logo to be carefully planned and designed.

Different automakers have different criterion for automobile logos. Here we will mention a few common attributes that should be a part of the logo design process.

1. Simple Yet Attractive, Complex Yet Elegant – These qualities should be bundled up quite nicely in order to make an eye-catching logo. Many are of the opinion that a simple logo can suffice as long as it is attractive. However there are a few complex ones in existence today that are a sight to behold. The level of depth and detail is quite apparent in those designs.

2. Bold But Not Beautiful, Beautiful But Not Bold – It should be noted that when it comes to automotive logos, the bold and the beautiful simply do not mix well. Avoid using one in conjunction with the other. A bold logo will inspire consumer confidence and trust. A beautiful automotive logo on the other hand will capture their imagination like none other.

3. Reflective of the Company and Its Vision – A good logo should be reflective of the company and its commitment towards its customers. It should mirror the company vision and the goals it seeks out to accomplish.
These attributes may seem too general but in point of fact, they lay the foundations for good automotive logos. Carmakers should carefully ponder all options and come up with a solid design plan when undertaking a logo design for their vehicles.
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